People, podcasts, publications

Through the Good Jungle, I've been discovering other publications and podcasts seeking to break the mould in all things philanthropy, charity and social change. Here are some recommended ones to explore (and if there's a publication you think should be on here, please drop me a line!)

Not much research has been done on the emotional impact of working on poverty, violence, injustice and ecosystem collapse on the people working on these issues across various professions. This website collates some research and other resources on the subject.

The Greater Good Science Centre has synthesised thousands of studies to identify the most powerful yet simple methods for developing skills and attitudes for a meaningful life. Here they are, unpacked step by step and backed up by the latest science.

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Jennifer Lentfer created her blog to help place community-driven initiatives at the forefront of international aid, philanthropy, and social enterprise. How Matters is deeply critical of the assumptions and power relationships embedded in the international industry of 'do-gooders' and explores what attitudes, skills and structures are needed to change it.

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Healing Justice is a podcast created to to support the integration of self care, inner work, collective care, real commitment to challenge injustice, and powerful action.

It talks about courageous and soulful leaders, practices and social change efforts, with a strong focus on the US context but the power to inspire far beyond.